Synthetic single-crystal diamond cutting tools

Synthetic single-crystal diamond cutting tools

Synthetic single crystal diamond tools

Getting the most out of synthetic diamonds with original technology

Synthetic diamond cutting tools feature synthetic diamonds, which share the superior characteristics of natural diamonds, the world’s greatest natural material. As a synthetic material the supply and cost is more stable than that of natural diamonds. Synthetic diamonds also offer reliable quality and performance. This makes them suitable for products that require consistent quality of tools with long cutting edges.

Getting the most out of synthetic diamonds
with original technology

Synthetic diamond cutting tools feature synthetic diamonds, which share the superior characteristics of natural diamonds, the world’s greatest natural material. As a synthetic material the supply and cost is more stable than that of natural diamonds. Synthetic diamonds also offer reliable quality and performance. This makes them suitable for products that require consistent quality of tools with long cutting edges.

Single-crystal diamond ball-end mills

Single-crystal diamond ball-end mills

These ball-end mills are suitable for a range of applications, from precision die machining to machining mirror surfaces on resin. 


Non-ferrous metals and resin

Product specifications
Blade radius Effective blade length
R0.5 to 40 mm 0.05 to 0.5 mm

Large single-crystal diamond end mills

Large single-crystal diamond end mills

It is possible to produce single-crystal diamond cutting tools with a blade length of 6 mm or more.
It is now possible to use a single tool to machine surfaces with greater widths than before.

Product specifications
Blade length
Up to 12mm

Single-crystal diamond indexable inserts

Single-crystal diamond indexable inserts

Adjoining single-crystal diamond to indexable inserts and other standard products enables finish machining and other production processes.


Non-ferrous metals
